Friday 2 December 2011

Cut out, add in and size down

This week so far has been nice to me - well, sort of.

My great addictions that stand between me and losing weight are: Soft drinks, beer, large volumes of food, no water and no exercise.

I realise that if I tackle each of these, weight loss will come all by itself. So this week, I have been making an effort to address each of these areas of contention. Have I been successful? Sort of.

Soft drinks: They contain so much sugar and add nothing to your body except weight. I'm a 2 litre a day guy and have done only 2 litres in 4 days. Not bad, me think. I know, I know. I have to cut it out completely!

Beer: Nectar of the gods. Beer contains so much calories that by having just a couple a week pushes your calorie intake for the week over the limit. So I'm trying to have one that has only 2,4% alcohol and 122kJ per 100ml. And of course way less of them as well.

Food: I have been trying to have only one sandwich at a time in stead of two. I include fruit and have more, but smaller meals. I tend not get hungry. When I am hungry, I over-eat. When I'm not hungry, I tend not to have so much.

Water: The elixir of life. Apparently you should drink at least two litres of water per day. This week it was hot, so it was easy for me to drink gallons. My wife is really jealous of me. If I don't change my diet at all, but just drink 2 litres of water per day, I can still lose 2 kgs a week. Unfair, I know, but I just don't do it. This week I have been faithful and I'll tell you the results just now.

Exercise: I saw this program on TV where they discussed how important proper breathing is. What has this got to do with exercise? They said most people don't breathe deep enough. On the spot I took a deep breath. Man, was I surprised. Everything inside me ached. I couldn't believe it! That is why you exercise - to force your lungs to open up a bit. Just half an hour everyday will work wonders. This week I have done a heck of a lot of walking - and deep breathing.

The sum total of tall this? At the beginning of the week I weighed 147.7kg. After just four days? 145.3kg! That is a smashing 2.4kg in just 4 days! I think I shall have a glass of water and a good walk to celebrate!

But the worst is still to come - the weekend! I love having a BBQ on weekends, with beer and snacks. But this weekend I going to try and stick to the successful recipe of the week. Wish me good luck - I'll frigging need it!