Monday 21 November 2011

The Ease of Losing Weight.

For the last few weeks my wife and I have been watching programs on TV about overweight people.  The programs were Supersize VS Super Skinny, weight loss spas and programs about people who were super morbidly obese and Half Ton Mom and Half Ton Dad of the Channel 4 BodyShock series.

In the Supersize VS Super Skinny each of the participants were shown the amount of food they consume in a weak. Since I am definitely not Super Skinny, I shall be concentrating on the Supersize part of the job.

Not only were these people showing the amount of food they were consuming, but also the kind of food and the amount of calories. We have learned a lot about what to eat, what not to eat and in which volumes.

Also were shown various remedies and therapies to rectify the lifestyle habits of these people and it was as clear as daylight that mine was not conducive to a healthy body. As the saying goes, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

I dare any overweight person out there to tell me that they are really truly happy with the way they look. We are all envious of people who can walk into a shop and pick clothes from a shelf and just wear it! With many of these people the root of their weight problem is not just the food itself, but the psychological reasons behind it.

However, I also believe that overweight people have co-offenders. In the case of Billy Robbins it is his mother and fortunately she realized this. Accepting responsibly is often the most difficult to do. The reason is simple: responsibility demands action! It is easy to say "Yes, I eat too much", but a whole new ballgame to say "No, thank you, I've had enough."

If you are lying in bed and you are too fat to get up to go get you own food, THE BLAME LIES WITH PERSON WHO BRINGS IT TO YOU!!!!!!     

If somebody only feeds you a calorie controlled diet, YOU ARE BOUND TO LOSE WEIGHT!!

But in the end there is a fact that stands like an Everest above all other facts: It is NOT easy to loose weight!

So, the battle of the bulge rages on.

Oh, by the way, the scale still hasn't been kind to me.

Friday 4 November 2011

10 Reasons to lose weight!

November 2, 2011

Today I woke up tired with my whole body aching as if I had a huge workout yesterday. But I didn't. I decided to weigh myself and measure my circumference. Both shocked me.

Both my wife and I are overweight and have talked many, many times about doing something about it. The last couple of weeks my hips have been aching and it was there in the back of my mind that my current lifestyle has something to about it.

Today, however I felt the worst I have felt and I decided to take stock of where I stand with myself. It's tough, because once you have taken stock, you now have the responsibility to do something about it, and that is what I have been avoiding. Unfortunately the stats look as follows:

Height: 174 cm
Weight: 146,7 kg
BMI: 48,5

I have also become aware of signs in, on and around my body:

  1. Aching joints.
  2. Standing too long or walking very short distances causes lower back pain.
  3. When I lay down the fat on my chest sticks to the fat on my face.
  4. When using public transport (plane or bus) or use public amenities, the seats or cubicles are too small.
  5. Physical restrictions to do simple tasks, e.g. tying shoelaces or picking up something you have dropped.
  6. Light headedness while or after doing simple tasks.
  7. Difficulty in finding clothes that fit.
  8. Difficulty in looking well-dressed.
  9. Shortness of breath.
  10. Procrastination due to everything being just too much of an effort.