Tuesday 3 July 2012

JULY 3 2012

June has been a sort of up and down month. I cheated a lot, but I managed to keep the amount of coke I drank down to a minimum. Yippieeee!

A few things hampered the diet. The wife and I went for a week's holiday and who on earth keeps to a diet when they are on holiday? Then there were a party or two, but as I said, all-in-all, I did not too badly and only picked up 0.5kg.

Of late it felt as if I was getting weaker by the day. Granted, I'm not living the most active life-style, but still. So I decided to get myself some dumbbells to pump a bit of iron. But then I got the flu that stayed with me for 2 weeks and as unfit as I am, I wasn't going to invite a heart attack by exercising while I'm not well.

While waiting for the flu to leave me, I read on a friend's FB post about an exercise program promoted by a Dr Mercola. Some of you might know of him, some of you not. You don't need much to use his exercise program, primarily a heart rate monitor to keep track of your heart rate. Here is the link to his program:   

Dr Mercola uses this program once a week and on two other days he does strength training, which is what I'm aiming for as well.

So yesterday I started the strength training, but I could feel my muscles and joints complaining. They aren't used to working so hard, so I decided that I should add some serious stretching exercises as well. You can Google them for charts. Most of them are common sense, but it's nice to work off a chart.

Current weight: 143kg.

I would like to shake another 13kg until my birthday in September. I only have 12 weeks left and hope the addition of the exercises will do the trick.

Wish me luck!  

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